Episode: AnalQueenAlysa v77004 The Anal Fairy
Release date: 2011.06.14
Starring: Gapolexa, Malia
[AnalQueenAlysa] v77004 The Anal Fairy

If you are alone, horny, and in serious need of a helping hand to satisfy your anal needs, the anal fairy will help you out. This time Malia is the fairy who helps out Alysa in her distress. Already wearing her red outfit (anal plug included), and she is ready for action, whatever it involves. Let it be ass-licking or a drink offered from the asshole, the anal fairy is your friend.

Episode: LetsPlayLez v93008 Wild plays with Anne and Monica
Release date: 2011.03.23
Starring: Monica B., Anne
[LetsPlayLez] v93008 Wild plays with Anne and Monica
Monica and Anne are teen girls who are great friends and decided to get a little experimental. They love boys but since each of them knows exactly what a girl wants, they decided to try out their skills on each other. And what a wild and pussy licking time it's going to be. But it's not just the tame stuff, watch as they pull out the big guns for maximal pussy pleasuring.

Episode: AnalTeenAngels v72045 Anal teen angel Larra
Release date: 2009.07.26
Starring: Larra
[AnalTeenAngels] v72045 Anal teen angel Larra
Larra was watching a porn movie and it turned her up so much that she started masturbating. But Oliver came over to her room because he heard the soft noises Larra gave out. Do you need some help, babe? asked Oliver but without waiting for Larras answer he started licking her nipples and took her pants off to check out her asshole if it was ready to be fucked. And it was :)

Episode: v16170 Teaching Janet
Name: Janet Joy, Kissy
[TeachMeFisting] v16170 Teaching Janet
If you click on the pics you can see Janet in a great fisting party! Well, there are only two girls at this party but for the pussy that is fisted is more than enough… it will be stretched out by a huge dildo as well, so she will remember this occasion for a long time. Her cunt will be thankful for a little stretch, sometimes it need something that’s beyond a simple masturbation or licking. Now her she is, and a huge dildo and a fist makes is not so simple’ for her ;)